To do-list sticky notes freebie

Free printable – make your own sticky notes!

  1. Get the files from our Freebie page
  2. Download the GUIDE file and the PRINT file. Choose Portrait or Landscape version.
  3. Print the GUIDE file – Make sure you print in Actual size/pagescaling 100%. You can print on A4 or Letter size.
  4. Place your regular sized sticky notes (like Post-its) on the squares on the guide sheet.
  5. Reload the guide into your printer
  6. Print the PRINT file – Make sure you print in Actual size/pagescaling 100%

Choose Portrait or Landscape

The sticky notes will come out the same in both versions, but you can help your printer by placing the sticky notes so that the sticky part goes into the printer first. That way it’s less risk of paper jam.

  • Get the files on our Freebie page
  • Choose Portrait or Landscape
  • You can print on A4 or Letter size
  • Make sure you print in “Actual size” (scale 100%) or the guides and print will come out the wrong size!

Print in Actual size (100%)

Make sure you print in “Actual size” (scale 100%) or the guide and the print will come out the wrong size. This is what it looks like in Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Place your sticky notes on the guide

Print your GUIDE first, making sure to print in “Actual size” (100%). Use regular sized sticky notes in size 76×76 mm or  3×3 inch, like the classic Post its or any other brand you have on hand. Place them on your guide sheet with the sticky edge upwards.

A great tip is to pull your sticky note from the side, and not from the bottom. It makes the sticky note keep straight, and you don’t get as much curve when you place them on the guide sheet.

Print the sticky notes on your guide

Print the PRINT file on your sticky notes on your guide sheet. Again, make sure you are printing in Actual size, or page scaling 100 %.

Two of the notes are designed to be cut in half, giving you two slim sticky notes. Perfect in smaller planners!

Posted by Amanda in  Freebies How to  Printables 


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